2016 Image-Art Calendar

2016 Image-Art Calendar

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In 2008, Adi Da personally directed the development of the first Transcendental Realism calendar of His Divine Image-Art — including its monumental scale, quality of image reproduction, and layout. The calendar has brought great joy and beauty to the home of devotees, Da Plastique public contacts, families and friends for the last seven years.

2016 marks the eighth consecutive year Da Plastique has produced an Image-Art calendar. We are thrilled to announce that the 2016 Transcendental Realism calendar is at the printer. It features radiant imagery from Geome One: Alberti's Window, and it is spectacular! (See below for sample pages.) It is a powerful sign of Adi Da's Divine Communication of The Beautiful Itself, Reality Itself, and Truth Itself. Bhagavan Adi Da’s Divine Image-Art springs to life with each month of the year. This calendar marks the ten year anniversary of Adi Da's creation of Geome One in 2006 and includes many never before published Images from the suite.

2016 Image-Art Calendar

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I have given the title "Alberti's Window" to the suite Geome One as a means of pointing out that the image-art I make and do is, in fact, not Alberti's kind of space, not the traditional space of Western art — which (first) "objectifies" the space of the artwork, and (then) uses various devices to draw the "viewer" into the "objectified" surface. Such is the fundamental convention of art-viewing into which Westerners have been educated.

The indivisible coincidence of the "viewer" (or the "subject") and the work of art (or the visible "object") is fundamental to the communication I am making in Alberti's WIndow. In contrast to the "window" described by Alberti, the Geome One suite is not rendered via the conventions of perspective. Thus, the imagery of Alberti's Window is not based on the presumed "difference" between "subject" (or that which sees) and "object" (or that which is seen). Rather, I have made Alberti's Window as a communication of the absolute coincidence (or utter non-"difference") of "subject" and "object". Such coincidence (or non-"difference") of "subject" and "object" is the transcending of "point of view" altogether.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj
"The Image-Art of egoless Coincidence With Reality Itself"
Transcendental Realism

Needless to say, the 2016 Image-Art calendar makes a very special gift for friends and family!

Purchase Information
Price: $85 each (plus shipping).
To order: write to Sara Dakin at Da_Plastique_Sales@adidam.org.

Orders received on or before Tuesday, December 8th will ship no later than Tuesday, December 15th.

Sample Pages

2016 Image-Art Calendar

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2016 Image-Art Calendar

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2016 Image-Art Calendar

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2016 Image-Art Calendar

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2016 Image-Art Calendar

(click to enlarge)


The 2016 Image-Art Calendar
can now be ordered from DaPlastique.

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