Adi Da and Adidam: Audio/Video Library

Adi Da

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158 matches for: devotee stories of Adi Da
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James Steinbergvideo
poster: Adi Da Videa, čeština
speaker: James Steinberg
length: 15:06
date added: May 17, 2021
event date: November 28, 2009
language: Czech
views: 732; views this month: 9; views this week: 0
[Contains Czech subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Longtime devotee, James Steinberg, offers this testimonial to the life and work of Adi Da Samraj.

Excerpt from First Evening: Track 4 on the DVD, A Tribute to the Life and Work of His Divine Presence, Adi Da Samraj. More than 7 hours long, this Tribute DVD was filmed on the occasion of the first Anniversary of Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi, when devotees, family, and friends of Adi Da Samraj gathered at Adi Da Samrajashram, Fiji (Adi Da's principal Hermitage), to acknowledge Adi Da as the Divine in human form, to praise His Greatness, and to express their heart-felt gratitude for the Blessings they have received from Him.
James Steinberg   Tribute   Mahasamadhi   DVD   Czech  

Svědectvķ žįků Adi Da, Nikdy tě neopustķmvideo
poster: Adi Da Videa, čeština
speaker: Antonina Randazzo
length: 02:22
date added: August 29, 2021
language: Czech
views: 401; views this month: 5; views this week: 1
[Contains Czech subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Devotee Antonina Randazzo talks about Adi Da's passing and His Eternal Presence, and how He assured devotees that He would never leave them, and how she can confirm this in her own life.

Świadectwa studentów Adi Da Samrajvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speakers: Miki Malinka, Pamela Gray, Sarah Daly
length: 07:15
date added: November 21, 2022
language: Polish
views: 466; views this month: 9; views this week: 2
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Testimonies and confessions of recognition of Adi Da as the Divine Person, from His devotees. In this video, testimonies are provided by devotees Miki Malinka, Pamela Gray, and Sarah Daly.

Świadectwa wielbicieli Adi Da Samrajvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Lisa Lurie
length: 04:23
date added: October 23, 2021
language: Polish
views: 435; views this month: 3; views this week: 1
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Devotee Lisa Lurie talks about her awakened recognition of Adi Da's Divine State of Being and of her reception of His Divine Spiritual Blessing Presence.

Adi Da Samraj, Wspomnienia ucznia - Dorastałem we wspólnocie Adidamvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Stanley Hastings
length: 11:18
date added: February 5, 2021
language: Polish
views: 688; views this month: 6; views this week: 2
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Dorastając we wspólnocie Adi Da, Stanley opowiada o swoim dzieciństwie i dojrzewaniu w Adidam, opowiada o tym, jak jako nastolatka, podobnie jak wielu innych młodych osób, postanowił na własnej skórze przekonać się, co świat ma do zaoferowania. Po kilku latach eksperymentowania postanowił wrócić do Adi Da i oferowanego przez niego stylu życia, aby ponownie w pełni uczestniczyć w życiu wspólnoty i bezpośrednio służyć Adi Da.

Stanley Hastings talks about his childhood and adolescence growing up in the Adidam community. Like many other young people, as a teenager, he decided to see for himself what the world had to offer. After several years of experimenting, he decided to return to Adi Da and the Way of life He offered — to fully participate again in the life of the community and to serve Adi Da directly.

Ben Grisso speaks about growing up in Adidamvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Ben Grisso
length: 06:55
date added: June 20, 2022
language: Polish
views: 443; views this month: 5; views this week: 2
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Ben Grisso, uczeń Adi Da wychowywał się we wspólnocie Drogi Serca w tym video opowiada o swoich młodzieńczych doświadczeniach wzrastania w otoczeniu Adi Da Samraj. Bena młodzieńcze pragnienia doprowadziły go do życia i służenia Adi Da w Jego Aszramie Pustelni na Fidżi.

Ben Grisso tells about his experiences as a young person growing up with Adi Da Samraj. Ben's desires as a young person led him to live with and serve Adi Da in His Ashram Hermitage in Fiji.

Brak słów by Go opisaćvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Aniello Panico
length: 09:34
date added: May 16, 2022
language: Polish
views: 409; views this month: 9; views this week: 3
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

In this video excerpt, "Brak słów by Go opisać" ("There are no words to describe Him"), longtime devotee, Aniello Panico, talks about his first contact with Adi Da Samraj in 1972 at the Melrose Ashram in Los Angeles.

For more stories and videos from Aniello, click here.

Dorastając na Drodze Sercavideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Megan Anderson
length: 06:39
date added: June 17, 2020
event date: November 29, 2009
language: Polish
views: 1016; views this month: 6; views this week: 4
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

W 2009 roku, rok po odejściu Adi Da, wielu uczniów udało się do Sanktuarium Pustelni Adi Da na Naitauba na Fidżi, aby wziąć udział w dwudniowym hołdzie dla Adi Da. Megan Anderson, która wychowała się we Wspólnocie Adidam daje świadectwo o tym, jak została zachęcona przez Adi Da do podjęcia swojej służby dla niego jako jeden z kluczowych redaktorów jego Słowa.

Devotee Megan Anderson, who grew up in the Company of Adi Da, offers this testimonial to His life and work.

Excerpt from Second Evening: Track 7 on the DVD, A Tribute to the Life and Work of His Divine Presence, Adi Da Samraj. More than 7 hours long, this Tribute DVD was filmed on the occasion of the first Anniversary of Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi, when devotees, family, and friends of Adi Da Samraj gathered at Adi Da Samrajashram, Fiji (Adi Da's principal Hermitage), to acknowledge Adi Da as the Divine in human form, to praise His Greatness, and to express their heart-felt gratitude for the Blessings they have received from Him.

A list of all the tracks on this DVD can be found here.
Polish   Megan Anderson   DVD  

Gerald Sheinfeld wspomina pierwsze spotkania z Adi Da Samrajvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Gerald Sheinfeld
length: 08:42
date added: January 30, 2018
event date: 2016
language: Polish
views: 3027; views this month: 27; views this week: 12
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Gerald Sheinfeld, uczeń Awatara Adi Da od wczesnych lat 70-tych, opowiada wspaniałą historię o tym, jak odnalazł swojego Guru i natychmiast rozpoznał wyjątkowy Stan Adi Da: Miłość, Szczęście i Wyzwolenie. Gerald mówi o tym, w jaki sposób rozpoznanie Adi Da budzi człowieka do Stanu Inherentnej Jedności.

Gerald Sheinfeld, a devotee of Avatar Adi Da since the early 1970's, tells a wonderful story about how he found his Guru, Adi Da Samraj and his immediate recognition of Adi Da's unique state of Freedom, Happiness, and Liberation. Gerald speaks about how that recognition of Adi Da has the capacity to awaken others to that state of Prior Unity.

Gerald tells many more stories of his life of more than 45 years with Adi Da in his book, At the Feet of the Spiritual Master. Some of these stories are also available in audio form on his downloadable album, At the Feet of the Spiritual Master.
Polish   CD   DVD  

Jak znalazłem mojego Guru w 1973video
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Cheech Marrero
length: 10:39
date added: August 12, 2020
language: Polish
views: 881; views this month: 4; views this week: 0
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Cheech Marrero był jednym z pierwszych uczniów Adi Da. W tej "leeli", czyli opowieści o relacji ucznia z Boskim Guru, Cheech mówi o decydującym momencie w jego relacji z Adi Da Samraj.

This is the beautiful story of how our friend, Cheech Marrero, found Adi Da. Cheech has been around Adi Da for a long time, since the early 1970's, and is a great example of what a person becomes after living a life around a great Spiritual Master like Adi Da.

You can also read Cheech's story here.
Cheech Marrero   Leela   Free John   Guru   Spiritual   wisdom   community   Polish  

Leela Crane Kirkbridevideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Crane Kirkbride
length: 13:26
date added: August 20, 2022
language: Polish
views: 809; views this month: 12; views this week: 5
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Longtime devotee, Crane Kirkbride, offers this testimonial to the life and work of Adi Da Samraj, in which he describes singing for, and with, Adi Da. Includes a clip of Adi Da singing opera with Crane; and a slideshow of stunning pictures of Adi Da from 1972 through 2008, accompanied by Crane singing "I Am Who You Are".

This video clip is an excerpt from First Evening: Tracks 16 and 17 on the DVD, A Tribute to the Life and Work of His Divine Presence, Adi Da Samraj. More than 7 hours long, this Tribute DVD was filmed on the occasion of the first Anniversary of Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi, when devotees, family, and friends of Adi Da Samraj gathered at Adi Da Samrajashram, Fiji (Adi Da's principal Hermitage), to acknowledge Adi Da as the Divine in human form, to praise His Greatness, and to express their heart-felt gratitude for the Blessings they have received from Him.

A list of all the tracks on this DVD can be found here.
Polish   Crane Kirkbride   Mahasamadhi   tribute   opera   DVD  

Mieszkanie Naitauba i uczeń Adi Da Samraj składa hołd swojemu Guru po Jego odejściuvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Solo Finau
length: 05:07
date added: February 25, 2020
event date: November 28, 2009
language: Polish
views: 1322; views this month: 8; views this week: 4
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Członek starszyzny wspólnoty mieszkańców Fidżi i długoletni wielbiciel Adi Da Samraj mieszkający w Adi Da Samrajashram, Naitauba, Fidżi, składa hołd Turanga Dau Loloma (tytuł i imię Adi Da Samraj w języku fidżi) po Jego odejściu jego Guru.

Solomone Finau, a longtime Fijian devotee, who lives at Adi Da Samrajashram in Fiji, pays tribute to Adi Da in a heartfelt communication.

Excerpt from First Evening: Track 9 on the DVD, A Tribute to the Life and Work of His Divine Presence, Adi Da Samraj. More than 7 hours long, this Tribute DVD was filmed on the occasion of the first Anniversary of Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi, when devotees, family, and friends of Adi Da Samraj gathered at Adi Da Samrajashram, Fiji (Adi Da's principal Hermitage), to acknowledge Adi Da as the Divine in human form, to praise His Greatness, and to express their heart-felt gratitude for the Blessings they have received from Him.

A list of all the tracks on this DVD can be found here.
Polish   Leela   Solo   Mahasamadhi   tribute   DVD  

Nigdy Nie Odejdę od Wasvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Antonina Randazzo
length: 02:22
date added: January 11, 2021
language: Polish
views: 439; views this month: 6; views this week: 1
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Devotee Antonina Randazzo talks about Adi Da's passing and His Eternal Presence, and how He assured devotees that He would never leave them, and how she can confirm this in her own life.

Spotkania ze studentami Adi Da Samraj cz.1video
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Isabelle Trudeau
length: 04:18
date added: December 12, 2020
language: Polish
views: 554; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Isabelle Trudeau, studentka Adi Da mówi o procesie, dzięki któremu rozpoznania Adi Da jako jej Mistrza duchowego i o jej decyzji formalnego wstąpienia na Drogę Serca.

Isabelle Trudeau, a devotee of Adi Da, talks about the process by which she recognized Adi Da as her Spiritual Master and about her decision to formally take up the Way of Adidam.

Spotkanie z moim Mistrzemvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Ruchiradama Nadikanta
length: 03:16
date added: May 20, 2017
language: Polish
views: 2982; views this month: 16; views this week: 9
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Ruchiradama Nadikanta, członek Zakonu Ruchra Sannyasin opowiada o tym jak poznała Adi Da Samraj.

Aby uzyskać więcej informacji o Drodze Serca proszę pisać na adres:

"Spotkanie z moim Mistrzem" ("How I Met My Master") is an excerpt from First Evening: Track 2 on the DVD, A Tribute to the Life and Work of His Divine Presence, Adi Da Samraj. More than 7 hours long, this Tribute DVD was filmed on the occasion of the first Anniversary of Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi, when devotees, family, and friends of Adi Da Samraj gathered at Adi Da Samrajashram, Fiji (Adi Da's principal Hermitage), to acknowledge Adi Da as the Divine in human form, to praise His Greatness, and to express their heart-felt gratitude for the Blessings they have received from Him.

A list of all the tracks on this DVD can be found here.
Leela   Ruchiradama Nadikanta   Mahasamadhi   tribute   DVD   Polish  
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158 matches for: devotee stories of Adi Da

Our multimedia library currently contains 1205 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.[1] Enjoy! videoindicates a video, and audio an audio. Special categories of interest include:
Tribute to Adi Da's
Life and Work
Dawn Horse Press
DVDs (200) / CDs (270)
0 Multi-Part Series (79)
by year:

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non-English language audios/videos:


Thanks to the many videographers who took the footage, to the many editors who created these videos and audios, and to the 132 people and organizations who posted these videos and audios on YouTube and other places on the Web. Special thanks to Lynne Thompson, who did a lot of the data entry for our audio/video database.

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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