Acércate a Mí desde el Corazón (video)

[Contains Spanish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

In this clip, "Acércate a Mí desde el Corazón" ("Approach Me from the Heart"), Adi Da speaks to devotees in the Manner Of Flowers (at the Mountain Of Attention), during the "Love of the God-Man" Celebration on March 8, 1984. Adi Da talks about praise speech, ecstasy, and Satsang.

The full talk can can be found on the DVD, Approach Me From the Heart.

Some of the questions Adi Da addresses in the full talk are: What is a Divine experience? Who is God that God could be identified over against anything whatsoever? Who is a Spiritual Master if He can find Himself apart from God, such that He could say: “This piece is Me and this piece is God”? How could such distinctions continue in the consciousness of one who has Realized the Divine?

Spanish audio/video channel. Thanks to AdiDaVideos for the video excerpt and the Adidam Translation Guild for the subtitles. In addition to watching the videos in our Spanish channel, you can also read our free introductory book, Adi Da y Adidam. You can also subscribe to our YouTube video channel,, and be notified when new videos are posted.

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